Friday, October 06, 2006

Chapel Sermons

There have been a few people who have inquired about being able to hear my Senior Chapel that I preached last April. The easiest way for me to facilitate these requests is to direct you to the Wesley Biblical Seminary Chapel archives. If you would like to hear my Senior Chapel you can click here. If you would like to hear the message I preached in Chapel a few weeks ago click here. When I preached this latest one the IT department tried an experiment and there is a video of it that is also available. If you would like to watch it just click here.

Also, when you go to listen to the sermons in the Chapel archives you will notice on the right side of the screen are the months listed that you can access. Within these months are such items as the sermons that Dr. Roy Lauder preached during our spring revival, Dr. Kinlaw’s commencement address, Dr. Chris Bound’s recent lectures given during the annual Chamberlain Holiness Lectures, as well as all the chapel speakers since March of 2006.

Hope you enjoy these messages


Anonymous said...

Thank you Troy for a couple of great messages. You are very good preacher and God is using you. Any other messages you may have I would be very interested in hearing them. Te amo, que el Señor te bendice es tus esfuerzos para Él. Daddy

Troy and Jenny said...

Thank you for the encouragement. I am just following in the example and the heritage set before me. Thank you.
As of right now I do not have any other messages in a digital format. If that should change I will let you know. Dios le bendiga tambien (I'm pretty sure thats not correct, but it is the closest I could remember)


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your Chapel Sermon very much. You are a grest preacher. It was great to see you preach this far away it made me feel as if I was there. I love you, May the Lord bless you as you continue to work for Him.
Love Moma

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reply. Isn't it great what technology can let us do. I have looked at the verse you asked about and will have something for you shortly.
