Saturday, October 26, 2013

Some Urgent Prayer Requests - Part 3

And finally, the last urgent prayer request...

Urgent Prayer Request # 3 - Troy's dad

Some of you may already know this, but about a month ago Troy's dad (John) was diagnosed with state 4 prostrate cancer that has already spread. He was hospitalized recently for 12 days of chemotherapy and hormone treatments with the goal of killing off the cancer cells. The doctors have warned that there is no cure at this point for the cancer, but they are hoping that with the chemo and hormone treatments every 3 months, they can keep the cancer cells from growing and spreading further. They are, at this point, unsure about longevity.

John has been in some pretty intense pain as a result of the cancer having spread to the bones, and he is incredibly weak from his treatments. His doctor is confident, however, that he'll be able to recuperate enough to be able to do some work, provided he is very careful.

Please pray that God eases the pain for him and that he is able to regain enough strength to do some work. Please pray for Troy's mother, Paula, as she helps him through this time. Please also pray for Troy and his brother, John. I know from experience that it is very difficult to watch a parent suffer through cancer. It's very scary for all involved. The greatest blessing in all of this is that, from the first day of his diagnosis, John has felt a very real peace from God that everything would be all right. Sure, there are times of uncertainty and fear. But this peace--the peace that passes all understanding--is stronger still. Praise God for that!

There is another urgent prayer request that goes with this one, but it's not for us. Troy's parents do not have health insurance, and so the medical bills have really created a huge burden on them, especially with John unable to work. Please pray with us that God will provide all of their needs financially, and will provide above and beyond so that they are able to cover these medical bills.

These three requests lay heavy on our hearts. Please join with us in lifting them before the Lord. We greatly appreciate your willingness to carry these burdens with us. Thank you!

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