Sunday, February 05, 2012

The Battle We Wage

This week, another missionary couple was killed in a Mexican town near the Texas/Mexico border. We were broken-hearted to hear of it. Then yesterday, we heard that a young man Troy went to seminary with, died of carbon monoxide poisoning on the mission field he was serving in. Three missionary deaths in just this week alone. We missionaries certainly are not exempt from life's tragedies. But neither is anyone else. That shooting, and that poisoning could've happened here in the States just as easily as it did those other countries. It could've happened to anyone.

This morning, a woman approached Troy with some very real concerns for our family's safety. She'd heard about this missionary couple and knows of another young missionary who has just recently disappeared. No one has heard from him for almost two weeks. We've often had people ask us if we're afraid to go into Mexico, or if we're nervous about taking our children there. Of course we are. Although, more of our fear is for our children's safety. Yet God has most definitely called us. He knows the risks. And He knows our futures. All of our futures. In all honesty, with the new ministry I believe He is calling me to, the safety concerns could only get worse. I do not yet know exactly how God will use me in the anti-human trafficking efforts. But I know one who will not be happy about it. Ministries like Hope61 exist to redeem, restore, and release victims from bondage. To set their lives free, and to give them new lives in Christ. The enemy of our souls loves nothing better than to destroy lives, and he hates those who snatch those lives out of his grasp and restore them to a life in Christ.

Yes, we will most definitely be in harm's way. But not necessarily physical harm. It is guaranteed that we will face spiritual warfare, as our enemy seeks to discredit, distract, or discourage us away from the ministry God has called us to. We are in a battle for souls. All of us. All of the time. This battle we wage is not against people or governments. But against the enemy of our souls!

Many of you have asked us how you can pray for us, particularly during my five weeks of training at OMS headquarters. Here's how you can actively take up the battle on our behalf:

1. Pray against the works of the enemy and his attacks. I will list below the names of those attending and leading the sessions. You can pray over each of our names during these next five weeks in particular. Pray against the spiritual attacks of the enemy. Pray that the Lord will encourage us. Pray for the leaders as they train us. Pray for those of us who will be actively working in this ministry. Pray that God will equip us for the battle ahead and give us His grace and love for the victims.

2. Pray for safety for all, especially the kids. Pray that God will help us be wise and follow His leading.

3. Pray that God will show me how He wants to use me in this ministry.

4. Pray for Troy as he continues to schedule meetings with pastors during this time. He's only heard from a couple. Pray that he's able to reach the rest on his list.

5. Pray also for Troy as he teaches the kids and for the kids as they adapt to having a new teacher for the next 5 weeks.

6. Pray for this young missionary who is missing. Please pray that he will be located and for God's glory to be shown in this situation. Also please pray for his colleagues on the field and for his family and friends at home as well.

Thank you for your prayers. I cannot stress enough that we cannot do this without them.

Attendees/Leaders for OMS Hope61 Anti-Human Trafficking Training
(February 6 - March 2, March 12 - 14)

(Because some of these may be in security risk countries, I'll only list first names)

1. Jenny
2. Joyce (training, out-going director of Hope61)
3. Lauren
4. Tom (transitioning director of Hope61)
5. Tonya
6. Allison
7. Sandy
8. Doris
9. Dottie

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