Saturday, June 25, 2011

The End of an Era

As we wrap up the last weekend and last week of June, we realize that a very large chunk of our married lives is coming to a close at the end of this week. 9 years ago we were hastily packing up our house in Iowa and preparing to be separated for 6 weeks--after placing all of our belongings in temporary storage, Troy was to drive to Jackson where he would take a summer class and live in the dorm. Jenny, Tayler, and Clayton were to temporarily move into her mom's house in West Des Moines until a house in Jackson could be found and the rest of the family (and their belongings) could be brought to MS. We waited on the Lord to see what He would have for our family. And He most definitely provided abundantly. There were years when I know without doubt that the only way we were able to make those ends meet was because He had supplied our needs. We added two more precious children to our family during our time here. And we made so many wonderful friendships that will last for the rest of our lives. I am so grateful for our Wesley Biblical Seminary family, as family they have become.

Thursday is Troy's last day at the seminary. Tomorrow marks our final Sunday of full-involvement at Wesley Chapel. Such huge landmarks for our family. But landmarks that are, nonetheless, essential. It is time for us to focus all of our energies on doing our part to see this ministry funded. We realize--as recent posts remind us--that God is ultimately the One providing. But we also have to do our part. And so as hard as it is to say goodbye, it's something that must happen. Although we will still be in the Jackson area until (probably) December, we will be busy scheduling meetings in churches and with individuals.

We will be leaving in a week for a month-long training session at OMS headquarters in Greenwood, Indiana. At the end of July, we'll return to our house here in Jackson where we will "hit the ground running." We covet your prayers for the following items:

(1) That God will bless our time of training, not only for us but our fellow trainees and our trainers as well.

(2) As we return home, that God will enable Troy in a supernatural way to do what is needed to make and keep his meetings. Asking for money is not something that comes easily for him. I know he would covet your prayers in this matter.

(3) This will, hopefully, be our final semester of home-schooling for the children. It will be the busiest year yet with Cody starting Kindergarten, Tori in 2nd grade, Clayton in 5th grade, and Tayler in 6th grade. Please pray for me as I work very hard to keep all of us disciplined and on schedule. Please pray also for the kids, that they will do their best to make this the best semester yet, academically. I'm a little nervous to see how all of our work holds up, as when we arrive in Costa Rica, the kids will have to take placement tests in order to determine which grade they are placed in.

Thank you so much for all of your support of our family, both prayerfully and financially. For some of you, letting us go to do our work is difficult. Please don't think we're not sensitive to that. Leaving is never easy. But your support is a huge part of what enables us to do what needs to be done. Know that you will go with us in our hearts wherever God leads us.

We love you all!